Let me just tell you it is not fun well it some times it is fun but when you go out in public there is paparazzi in your face almost the whole time that you are their but when our security sees that they are in your face they make them get out of your face. But before they will like take pictures before and they also take a video and ask you all types of differint qestions before our security sees them and so that is what it is like going out in public it is very hard to not be seen in like the mall or at target and at restaurants and places like that. Here comes some fun. the fun parts about you and you parents being famous is you get to meet all of your fans and that is one out of three of my faverit things about me and my parents and the second one is that you get to go a lot of places that you might not have gotten to get to go yet once I went to Paris,France and I got to see the Eiffel tower and I got to eat macaroons and they were the best sweet thing that I have ever had in my entire life. They were so good like I can’t even describe how good they were. You will just have to try one yourself. My parents and I have even gone to the Bahamas before and it was the best and so that is basically how your life would be if you were me. Plus the Bahamas was really nice and peaceful and really pretty. I want to go back some other day again with my brother Braylen but we might end up arguing. Him and I both hate doing it and to be honest it probably would not be the best idea after all.
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